KA/NOA turns 4 đ„ !

KA/NOA fĂȘte ses 4 ans!
Le 27 septembre 2017, KA/NOA ouvrait sa premiĂšre boutique Ă Lausanne, dans les Garages du Flon. Le rĂȘve de Bruno Grande, son fondateur, voyait ainsi le jour. Quel chemin parcouru depuis 4 ans!
Dans cette newsletter, nous vous proposons de l'Ă©couter raconter la genĂšse de ce projet et son bilan sur les quatre ans Ă©coulĂ©s, entre succĂšs, coups d'arrĂȘts, pandĂ©mie, bonheur et passion. Avant de le retrouver dans la prochaine newsletter, pour partager ses projets et sa vision du futur.
KA/NOA turns 4 !
On September 27th 2017, KA/NOA opened its first boutique in Lausanne, in the Garages du Flon. The dream of its founder Bruno Grande had come true. What a journey we have been on over the past four years!
In this newsletter, we invite you to listen to his account of the origins of this project and his assessment of the past four years, with experiences covering the complete spectrum of successes, setbacks, the pandemic, happiness, and passion. The next newsletter will see him share his projects and his vision of the future.

"Bruno Grande, racontez-nous comment vous est venue l'idĂ©e de crĂ©er une marque de vĂȘtements ?"
- Au dĂ©part, je n'avais pas le projet de crĂ©er une marque. Je voyageais beaucoup pour mon travail, et je recherchais des vĂȘtements sobres, de qualitĂ© Made in Italy, me permettant de faire ma valise en 5 minutes en emportant le minimum, mais en Ă©tant prĂȘt pour une sĂ©ance comme pour une biĂšre avec mes amis aprĂšs, sans devoir me changer de la tĂȘte aux pieds. Ne trouvant pas forcĂ©ment ce que je cherchais dans le marchĂ© existant, j'ai dessinĂ© et crĂ©Ă© mon propre dressing. J'ai alors commencĂ© Ă partager mes idĂ©es et les premiers prototypes avec mes amis, et je me suis rendu compte qu'ils Ă©taient aussi dans la mĂȘme situation que moi. Je me suis alors dit "autant partager et en fabriquer un peu plus". Le bureau devenait trop petit pour exposer, nous avons cherchĂ© un showroom, et avons ouvert la premiĂšre boutique dans les Garages du Flon en septembre 2017.
"Et d'oĂč vient le nom KA/NOA?"
KA/NOA est une contraction du prĂ©nom de mes enfants Kaia et Noah. Ma famille joue un rĂŽle essentiel dans ce projet, et sans eux je n'aurais jamais pu rĂ©aliser ce rĂȘve. Mon pĂšre Ă©tait un couturier par passion, et j'ai partagĂ© de longs dimanches avec lui lorsqu'il rĂ©alisait mes vĂȘtements. Il n'a (malheureusement pour lui et pour eux) jamais connu mes enfants, et KA/NOA est un lien virtuel que je voulais crĂ©er entre lui et eux.
C'est aussi un nom qui Ă©voque un moyen de transport lent, le canoĂ© (canoa en italien) - j'aimais aussi cette idĂ©e de se laisser voguer, de donner le temps aux choses pour se faire et ĂȘtre faites, d'un voyage au cours duquel nous prenons le temps. Avoir le temps de faire les choses bien est un luxe, qu'aujourd'hui peu de gens peuvent s'offrir. De lĂ est nĂ© notre manifesto, qui n'est pas que des mots mais notre rĂ©el credo.
"Quelles ont été vos plus grandes joies au cours de ces quatre années ?"
Mon plus grand plaisir est de créer le produit et de le voir se matérialiser. Je suis toujours comme un enfant quand je découvre les premiers protos.
C'est aussi le plaisir de partager avec les gens, de passer du temps dans mes boutiques et de rencontrer et échanger avec mes clients. Tout ce que j'essaie de faire, je le fais non seulement pour préserver un savoir-faire, mais je le fais aussi pour eux, et grùce à eux. Voir un client ressortir de ma boutique transformé et heureux est ma plus grande joie.
La confiance témoignée chaque jour par ma famille, leur soutien, et l'investissement de mes enfants et de ma femme à mes cÎtés est fondamental, et un moteur qui me pousse à aller de l'avant. KA/NOA est un vrai projet familial, et la famille est tout pour moi.
"Quels ont été vos plus grands défis ?"
Il y a beaucoup de défis dans le quotidien d'un entrepreneur. Personne n'aurait pu imaginer les mois de pandémie que nous avons traversé... Comme pour tout le monde, la situation nous a touchés de plein fouet et a rendu le chemin difficile! Pour une start-up comme la nÎtre, qui démarrait et était en plein essor, ce fut un coup de massue, et notre "stress test"! Nous avons fermé toutes nos boutiques du jour au lendemain, et cumulé plus de 100 jours de fermeture sur 300. Le tout sans aide aucune, mais en devant assumer les coûts de production, de loyers, de charges, etc. Notre trésorerie a été mise à mal, mais nous avons redoublé d'efforts et de travail et nous sommes toujours là , grùce à nos clients et à nos collaborateurs !
Les effets de cette pandĂ©mie ne sont malheureusement pas encore terminĂ©s, et aujourd'hui nous devons faire face Ă l'augmentation des prix des matiĂšres premiĂšres comme la laine (qui a augmentĂ© de 30% Ă 50%) ou le coton (qui a doublĂ©), la pĂ©nurie de tissus suite Ă l'arrĂȘt de certaines productions, la reprise en Chine, qui commence Ă acheter massivement en Italie, et j'en passe. C'est un dĂ©fi quotidien auquel nous devons faire face.
 L'autre dĂ©fi est de continuer Ă crĂ©er des vĂȘtements de qualitĂ©, qui plaisent Ă mes clients. La qualitĂ© est au coeur de notre projet, mais il arrive quelquefois que nous rencontrions des soucis, en particulier avec la construction de certain de nos modĂšles. Comme nous crĂ©ons tous les patrons, il peut arriver qu'une construction appliquĂ©e Ă un tissus particuliĂšrement fin, cause des soucis de rĂ©sistance. Dans de tels cas, nous sommes bien entendu Ă disposition de nos clients, et rĂ©agissons au mieux. Plus les tissus sont prĂ©cieux, plus il faut prendre soin de ses vĂȘtements, et il peut arriver de confondre qualitĂ© et rĂ©sistance đ.
A chaque fois que nous sortons des nouveautĂ©s, je me demande aussi si elles vont plaire. Je fais avant tout des crĂ©ations qui me plaisent Ă moi, sans trop de compromis đ, mais je suis toujours anxieux de voir l'accueil qui leur sera rĂ©servĂ© en boutique.Â
"Vous faites du 100% Made in Italy. Quelle est la différence avec le Made in Italy ?"
Le 100% Made in Italy est une vraie philosophie. Je n'accepte aucun compromis à ce sujet: Toutes les opérations, tous les fils, tous les tissus, fermetures éclair, boutons, tout est fait en Italie. Nous avons réussi à convaincre les meilleurs artisans du Nord du pays à nous suivre, ce qui ne fut pas une mince affaire! Ils m'ont pris pour un fou, personne aujourd'hui ne produit plus un t-shirt blanc 100% en Italie! Mais fiers de leur savoir-faire, et conscients de la nécessité de défendre les vraies valeurs du Made in Italy, ces générations de familles ont décidé de nous suivre et aujourd'hui, nous pouvons nous appuyer sur un réseau solide, d'amis, qui comptent parmi les meilleurs du métier.
"Aujourd'hui, quel bilan pouvez-vous tirer de ces quatre années ?"
Je suis un optimiste de nature, et je vois toujours le verre Ă moitiĂ© plein (voir plus đ). En 4 ans, nous avons ouvert 5 boutiques en Suisse et une en franchise en France, nous avons engagĂ© et formĂ© du personnel, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une solide base de clients qui nous sont restĂ©s fidĂšles et qui nous soutiennent jour aprĂšs jour (plus de 70% d'entre eux reviennent nous trouver). Nous avons traversĂ© une crise sans l'aide de personne, Ă la force de nos bras, en travaillant dur, et en nous investissant, ma femme et moi, Ă 100%. Nous pouvons compter sur une Ă©quipe soudĂ©e autour de nous, dans nos boutiques, dans notre bureau en Italie, ou chez nos fournisseurs, qui nous accompagnent et nous supportent tous les jours.
Je suis fier de ce que nous accompli, et du chemin parcouru.
"Bruno Grande, tell us how you came up with the idea of creating a clothing brand?"
 - I didnât initially plan to create a brand. I was traveling a lot for my work, and I was looking for understated, comfortable, good quality Made in Italy clothes that would allow me to pack in five minutes, taking the minimum, yet being ready to go and have a beer with my friends after a day of meetings, without having to change from head to toe. Not finding exactly what I was looking for in the existing market, I designed and created my own wardrobe. I then started to share my ideas and prototypes with my friends, and I realized that they were all in the same situation as me and in need of this kind of collection. So I thought: "I might as well share and make some more of them". The office was becoming too small to exhibit everything which is why we looked for a showroom and opened the first boutique in the Garages du Flon in September 2017.
"How did the name KA/NOA come about?"
KA/NOA is a contraction of my children's names Kaia and Noah. My family plays an essential role in this project, and without them I would never have been able to achieve this dream. My father was a tailor by passion, and I shared long Sundays with him when he made my clothes. He never knew my children (much to his and their regret), and KA/NOA is the virtual link I could create between them.
It's also a name that evokes a slow means of transport, a canoe (canoa in Italian) - So I also liked this idea of letting ourselves glide, of a journey during which we take our time. To take time to make qualitative things is a luxury that few people can and want to afford today. The statements in our Manifesto are not only words, they embody our true credo.
"What has brought you most joy over these four years?"
 My greatest pleasure is to design the product and see it come to life. I'm like a child when I discover the prototypes and the new collection. But it's also a pleasure to share things with people: to spend time in my boutiques, to meet and talk with my customers. Everything I try to do, is first and foremost about preserving skills and expertise, but I do it also for them, and their feedback is the most important thing of all. Seeing a customer leave my boutique transformed and happy is my greatest joy.
The trust of my family, their support, and the personal engagement of my children and my wife by my side is paramount, representing a driving force that literally keeps me powering ahead. KA/NOA is a real family project, and family is everything to me.
"What are the biggest challenges you have faced?"
 There are many daily challenges in the life of an entrepreneur. But I think that no one could have anticipated these months of pandemic. Like everyone else, this situation really hit us hard! For a business like ours, which was still in a start-up phase and growing fast, it was a huge blow and our "stress test"! We were closed from one day to another, for 100 days out of a potential 300, but paying for production, rents, fixed expenses, etc. Our cash flow was affected, and we did not get any financial help. But thanks to the support of our customers and the hard work of our staff, we are still here!
The effects of this pandemic are unfortunately not over yet and we are now having to face the increase in the price of raw materials such as wool (+30-50%) and cotton (whose price has doubled); a shortage of fabrics in the wake of certain production stoppages; recovery in China, which is starting to buy massively from Italy... These are just some of the challenges confronting us.
 Another key challenge is to continue creating quality clothes that my customers like. Quality is at the heart of our project, but sometimes we have problems, especially with the construction of some of our designs. As we create all the patterns, it can happen that a given construction applied to a particularly thin fabric can cause strength problems. In such cases, we are of course at our customers' disposal and will do our best to help. The more valuable the fabric, the more care you must take with your clothes, and it can happen that you confuse quality with sturdiness đ.
Every time we come out with something new, I also ask myself whether people will like them. Above all, I make designs that I like myself, without too many compromises đ , but I'm always anxious to see how they will be received in the boutique.
"You have adopted a 100% Made in Italy approach. What is the difference between that and Made in Italy?"
 100% Made in Italy is a real philosophy. I don't accept any compromises on this: all operations, all threads, all fabrics, zips, buttons, everything is made in Italy. We managed to convince the best craftsmen in the north of the country to follow us, which was not an easy task! They thought I was crazy; nobody produces a white T-shirt 100% in Italy anymore! Nonetheless proud of their know-how, and aware of the need to defend the true values of Made in Italy, these generations of families decided to follow us and today we can rely on a solid network of friends who are among the best in the business.
 "How would you sum up these four years?
I am an optimist by nature, and I always see the glass as half full (if not more đ). In four years, we have opened five boutiques in Switzerland and one in France as a franchise, we have hired and trained staff, we have developed a solid customer base that has remained loyal to us and supports us daily (more than 70% are return customers). We have come through a crisis with no help from anyone, through hard work and 100% commitment from my wife and me. We can count on a close-knit team around us, in our boutiques, in our office in Italy, as well as at our suppliers, who accompany and support us every day. I am proud of what we have achieved and how far we have come.
L'été nous a quitté, vive l'automne!
L'automne a fait son apparition, et avec lui, nos boutiques ont rangé les tenues manches courtes pour affronter des températures moins clémentes. Découvrez ci-dessous quelques-unes des nouveautés que nous avons reçu, et qui viennent parfaitement compléter notre collection intemporelle.
Summer is behind us, long live fall!
Fall has arrived, and with it, our boutiques have put away the short-sleeved outfits in order to prepare for cooler temperatures. Here are some of the new items we have received, all of which perfectly complement our timeless collection.
NEW: Cream-colored BORIS pants in twill cotton and elastane, 100% cashmere ARVEL cycling collar pullover, paired with handmade MARMOLADA trekking shoes.
NEW: MARKUS long sleeved knitted polo in 100% top cashmere by Loro Piana, with ALOI washed corduroy pants in 80% cotton, 18% PA and 2% elastane matching handmade MARMOLADA trekking shoes and the KA/NOA K-travel bag (now also available in dark blue canvas).

NEW: SOON extrafine 100% cashwool and pure down jacket. Teamed with a long-sleeved 100% cotton ALARIC t-shirt and CHANDLER trousers in soft stretch cashmere flannel (96% cashmere 4% elastane)
Si vous ĂȘtes Ă la recherche de cadeaux de fin d'annĂ©e de vos clients, pourquoi ne pas leur faire dĂ©couvrir KA/NOA? Nous pouvons vous prĂ©parer des coffrets dĂ©couverte avec bons cadeaux et catalogue. N'hĂ©sitez pas Ă nous contacter! info@kanoaitalia.com
If you're looking for end-of-year gifts for your clients, why not introduce them to KA/NOA? We can prepare discovery boxes with gift vouchers and a catalog. Don't hesitate to contact us! info@kanoaitalia.com (mailto:info@kanoaitalia.com)

A l'occasion de nos 4 ans, nous avons organisĂ© de petits after-work dans nos diffĂ©rentes boutiques. Le temps de se retrouver, et de remercier nos clients fidĂšles sans qui nous n'en serions pas lĂ aujourd'hui! Merci pour votre prĂ©sence, ça nous fait extrĂȘmement plaisir de pouvoir partager de tels moments avec vous, autour d'une bonne raclette de l'alpage!
Malheureusement, suite à un bug informatique, il semblerait que certains n'aient pas reçu nos invitations. Nous en sommes vraiment sincÚrement désolés... Les listes ont été générées à partir des emails que vous nous fournissez dans chaque boutique, en respectant vos souhaits éventuels de ne pas recevoir de marketing, donc d'invitations. Si vous souhaitez vérifier votre statut et votre email, parlez-en à notre personnel en boutique, qui mettra vos comptes à jour, afin de ne rien manquer de nos prochains évÚnements!
On the occasion of our fourth birthday, we organized several small after-work parties in our various boutiques. It was a time for meeting up again and thanking our loyal customers without whom we would not be where we are today! We are grateful for your presence; it gives us great pleasure to be able to share such moments with you, around a good raclette from the Alps!
Unfortunately, due to a computer bug, it seems that some of you did not receive our invitations, for which we are truly sorry... The lists have been generated from the emails you provide to us in each shop, respecting your wishes not to receive marketing, and therefore invitations. If you would like to check your status and email, please speak to our boutique staff, who will update your accounts, so that you don't miss out on any of our upcoming events!

IBIZA, la perle des Baléares
 Profitez des derniers rayons de soleil estival et envolez vous pour Ibiza! Longtemps synonyme de fĂȘte et de nuits blanches, l'Ăźle privĂ©e de ses discothĂšques se dĂ©voile sous un autre jour! Profitez de dĂ©couvrir la face tranquille de cette Ăźle qui vaut le dĂ©tour, mĂȘme hors saison!
IBIZA, pearl of the Balearic Islands
 Take advantage of the last rays of summer sunshine and fly to Ibiza! Long regarded as synonymous with partying and all-nighters, the island currently deprived of its discotheques is revealing itself in a different light! Enjoy discovering the quiet side of this island which is worth a visit, even out of season.
Every visit to Julâs restaurant is a unique experience. This authentic place offers a journey from Greece to Spain, as the restaurant combines different atmospheres, decorations and lifestyles, through decorations and colors from all horizons. The food is excellent. Make sure you reserve a table well in advance, as the place is often fully booked! www.julsibiza.com
Perfectly positioned on the stunning Cala Nova bay in the North of the island, Aiyanna offers panoramic views across the Mediterranean sea, wooden decked terraces, a dining area inspired by modern design and Nature, delicious food, as well as a warm welcome to everyone. www.aiyannaibiza.com
El Silencio Ibiza is the new offshoot of the famous El Silencio club launched by David Lynch in Paris ten years ago. Located in the small and beautiful bay of Cala MolÏ, where the sunsets are spectacular, this is a place where music and art hold a place alongside the sun and the sea. www.elsilencioibiza.com
Staying at Can Domo - located in the eastern side of the Island 10 minutes from Cala Llonga beach - feels a bit like staying at a villa. Set in a beautiful, thoughtfully restored 17th-century farmhouse, this agroturismo establishment has an award-winning chef (the husband of the owner, who won the "best chef of the island"), along with excellent amenities, and a friendly, full-time staff.Each of the eight rooms is different, celebrating typical Balearan architecture and decoration.www.candomoibiza.com
Petunia Ibiza is an intimate hideaway whose style and influences are deeply rooted in its natural surroundings. Offering unspoiled views of rural Ibiza, Es VedrĂ and the dazzling sea beyond, each standpoint of this Ibizan hideaway was created with the intention of providing a dreamlike atmosphere, leaving guests no choice but to surrender to the true Mediterranean way of life. www.petuniaibiza.comÂ
Los Enamorados is all about love. Located in the little romantic harbor of Portinatx directly on the seaside and next to the beautiful lighthouse, this boutique Hotel is a lovely yet unpretentious place where you can hang out, be yourself and enjoy the experience. www.losenamoradosibiza.com