KA/NOA newsletter, August 2019
Polo, polos and tango!

Polo, polos and tango!
Despite the fact that the exact origins of polo sport are unknown, it's most likely the oldest team sport in the world. Already played in Persia (Iran) in the 6th Century BC, the game spread to South Asia from the 15th century onwards and in particular in India, where the first Polo Club was created in the 19th century. It finally came into its own in Argentina where British settlers used to play in the pampa during their free time. Today Argentina is THE country of polo, cradle of the world's best players.
As official partner of the Polo Park and Country Club in Zurich, and exhibitor at the Hublot Polo Gold Cup in Gstaad on August 22-25, KA/NOA dedicates this edition of its newsletter to the world of polo, and to Argentina, presenting some of the best spots in its capital, Buenos Aires. Join us to enjoy our polo collection and a few tango steps!
Polo, polos et tango !
Bien que les origines exactes du sport soient inconnues, le polo peut être considéré comme le sport d'équipe le plus vieux du monde. Joué en Perse (Iran) dès le 6ème siècle avant J-C., il s'est par la suite diffusé dans toute l'Asie du Sud dès le 15ème siècle, et en Inde en particulier, qui a vu naître le premier Polo Club au 19ème siècle. Il a finalement prit tout son essor en Argentine, où les colons anglais le pratiquaient dans la Pampa pendant leur temps libre. L'Argentine est considérée aujourd'hui comme LE pays du polo, berceau des meilleurs joueurs du monde.
Partenaire officiel du Polo Park and Country Club de Zurich, et exposant lors de la Hublot Polo Gold Cup à Gstaad (du 22 au 25 août), KA/NOA dédie cette édition de sa newsletter au polo, à sa collection de polos, et à l'Argentine, en vous emmenant dans quelques-unes des meilleures adresses de Buenos Aires. Du polo, des polos et quelques pas de Tango en notre compagnie !
Swiss Polo Association President Martin Luginbühl.
Cut and Sew vs. Knitted Techniques
KA/NOA polo shirts are 100% Made in Italy, with the best and natural materials. They are manufactured using two different techniques: "Cut and Sew", by which the cotton material is assembled and sewed by pieces, or "Knitted", by which our very thin cotton thread is knitted at a very slow pace. Each technique offers varying degrees of wearability, complexity as well as distinct advantages.
Cut and Sew
Short-sleeved or long-sleeved, our cut and sew polo shirts are made by true shirt-makers, who carefully fashion them in the same way as they make our other high-quality shirts, devoting the utmost precision to every single detail such as pre-ironing, hand-sewn button-holes on long-sleeved versions, as well as crafted collars.
Hublot Polo Gold Cup in Gstaad (Switzerland)
Please come and visit our booth at the Hublot Polo Gold Cup in Gstaad (Switzerland) on August 22-25! Discover a magical setting in the middle of the Swiss Alps and enjoy some great action at the polo games. Full programme on www.polo-gstaad.ch. Free entry.
The perfect outfit to come to Gstaad
ALOI cotton bull white denim, CONRAD light voile linen shirt and ASCAGN classic moccasins. 100% Made in Italy!
The capital of Argentina and the tango world capital. The majority of the "portenos" (inhabitants) of this multicultural city has European origins, mostly Italian! A hidden gem in South America, the city holds unsuspected treasures, too numerous to unveil here but really worth seeking out. From the colourful barrio of La Bocca, to the lively district of Palermo, the tango kingdom of San Telmo or the luxury Recoleta, the city offers a wealth of cultural, architectural, artistic, gourmet and sporting landmarks, plenty to suit the tastes of every KA/NOA traveller!
Alvear Palace Hotel
A symbol of elegance since 1932, the Alvear Palace Hotel in Recoleta is one of the most luxurious hotels in the world, notably featuring excellent customer service and a particularly environmentally responsible approach.
Esplendor Plaza Francia
49-rooms 4* boutique hotel located in Recoleta and belonging toe one Latin America's first boutique hotels brands - Esplendor - reputed for its establishments designed with a blend of comfort and style.
Hub porteno
As its name implies, this location is not only a boutique hotel but also a visitor's hub where a team of experts can tailor each visitor's stay according to tastes and expectations.
Restaurant Cabanas Las Lilas
Located in the Puerto Madeiro district, this is one the best meat restaurants in Buenos Aires. A perfect match between the Argentinian meat tradition and warm Brazilian hospitality!
El Mercado restaurant (Hotel Faena)
Located in the famous Faena hotel, the restaurant El Mercado combines the energy of Buenos Aires' legendary cantinas with Europe's open-air markets. Authentic asado served on the terrace.
Bar El Federal
Testimony to over 150 years in the history of Buenos Aires, the El Federal bar is the emblem of the San Telmo district. The large wooden bar and the arcade lined with stained glass windows have remained unchanged since 1904. A great stop.
La pecora nera
We could not fail to include an Italian restaurant in this list, offering Italian cuisine revisited by a well-known Argentinian chef who has cooked at the Italian embassy on several occasions. La Pecora Nera features both a restaurant with an Italian-oriented menu, and a grill area featuring a more local Argentinian flavour.
Bar 878
Hidden behind a closed door with no outside sign, Bar 878 is a well-hidden location which is celebrating its 15th anniversary in 2019. Once a textile factory, the establishment may have lost some of its underground flavour, but tasty cocktails and a great atmosphere are worth the try!